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dc.contributor.authorБанахевич, Р. Ю.-
dc.identifier.citationБанахевич, Роман Юрійович Розроблення методу діагностування скупчень у порожнинах лінійної частини магістральних газопроводів : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.15.13 "Трубопровідний транспорт, нафтогазосховища" / Р. Ю. Банахевич ; Івано-Франків. нац. техн. ун-т нафти і газу. - Івано-Франківськ, 2015. - 24 с. : рис. - 19-21.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractНаведено результати аналізу сучасного стану і тенденцій розвитку вітчизняних та закордонних досягнень із досліджуваної проблеми, що дало можливість визначити напрямки подальших досліджень. Виконано аналіз причин утворення скупчень у порожнинах газопроводів, досліджено чинники та причини утворення гідратних утворень у порожнинах труб під час магістрального транспортування газу. Досліджено вплив скупчень на безпечність і режими експлуатації газопроводів. Ідентифіковано місця найбільш ймовірної появи скупчень. Проведено експериментальні дослідження з метою встановлення оптимальних інформативних параметрів виявлення гідратних утворень у порожнинах магістральних газопроводів. Розроблено дослідно-експериментальний взірець приладу для контролю наявності скупчень у порожнинах лінійної частини магістральних газопроводів.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractПриведены результаты анализа современного состояния и тенденций развития отечественных и зарубежных достижений по исследуемой проблеме, который позволил определить направления дальнейших исследований. Выполнен анализ причин образования скоплений в полостях газопроводов, исследованы факторы и причины образования гидратных образований в полостях труб при магистральном транспорте газа. Исследовано влияние скоплений на безопасность и режимы эксплуатации газопроводов. Идентифицированы места наиболее вероятного появления скоплений . Проведены экспериментальные исследования с целью установления оптимальных информативных параметров обнаружения гидратных образований в полостях магистральных газопроводов. Разработан опытно-экспериментальный образец прибора для контроля наличия скоплений в полостях линейной части магистральных газопроводов.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the thesis is to solve the current problem of applied scientific research in the direction of improving methods of exploitation of main gas pipelines through the development and introduction of new methods and means of technical diagnostics clusters in the cavities of the linear part of main gas pipelines. The results of a current state analysis and domestic and foreign developments trends of the researching problem, that allowed to define further research areas. The object of the research is the presence of a main gas pipeline liquid clusters. The subject of research is the methods and means of diagnosing fluid in main gas pipelines. The causes of clusters in the gas pipelines cavities were analyzed, the factors and causes of hydrate formation in the pipes cavities have been investigated at the main gas transport. Provisions are made for protection: the method of determining the location and level of liquids and dirt in the cavity of main gas pipeline. To solve the problems and achieve the goal of a thesis uses methods of analytical modeling, correlation and regression analysis, interpolation data. Experimental study on developing a method of diagnosing clusters in the cavities of the linear part of main gas pipelines and generalization of results were carried out using the theory and practice of technical measurements and experimental design, methods of polynomial filtering of measurement results of mathematical statistics and probability theory, methods of numerical processing of the experimental results to enhance their credibility. Scientific novelty of the results of the thesis by the following provisions: 1. The first time the analytical method for determining the location and volume of fluid accumulation in the cavity of main gas pipelines. 2. For the first time developed a method of technical diagnostics of gas mains pipe cavity without interference in its work and violations of pumping gas is to use ultrasonic method of determining the level of liquid in place of its accumulation in the cavity of the pipe. 3. Improved functional diagram ultrasonic method of technical diagnostics linear part of main gas pipelines, which enabled regardless of environmental conditions, to obtain reliable information on the state of the pipeline. 4. Found a further development of methods of construction and use of technical equipment and diagnostic systems for the evaluation of the technical state of gas mains, which significantly increases the reliability of the transmission system. Solved in dissertation work tasks and the results obtained enable to increase the efficiency and reliability of gas transportation system by applying the proposed method of diagnosing fluid accumulations for their effective withdrawal from the cavities of gas mains pipes for further implementation of in qualitative diagnosis. The basic scientific positions and results are the essence of the thesis received the author alone. The author made the following research: - analyzed and systematized reasons of contamination in the cavity gas pipeline; - analyzed the methodological, technical and regulatory support of technical diagnosing gas pipeline; - developed analytical methods for determining the location and extent of accumulation of fluid in the cavity gas pipeline; - developed, tested and implemented in an industrial environment in the current gas pipeline experimental model, technology information and measuring system of monitoring the presence and amount of fluid in the cavity gas pipeline. The clusters influence on safety and the gas pipelines operation modes was researched. These researches showed that liquid presence makes negatively influence at all the gas-transport system items working, complicates the main gas realization process and substantially worsens gas quality. Besides, the water presence in a gas pipeline considerably complicates the pipelines in-line inspection diagnostics procedure because in such case cleansing and diagnostic pistons damage or their destructions is possible because of the hydraulic shots. The most probable occurrence clusters places were identified. Mainly, it takes place in the ascending overfall heights areas or in deepening. The experimental studies for determination of optimal informative parameters for detection hydrate formation in the pipelines cavities have been done. An acoustic method for the accumulations volume estimation was suggested for using which consists in experimental dependences establishment of the ultrasonic vibrations amplitude with non-technological including type and thickness and ambient temperature that enables high precision (more than 0,9) the non-technological accumulations presence and their volume determination regardless of the environment parameters. An experimental model device has been developed for the non-technical clusters cavities controlling in the pipelines linear parts.uk_UA
dc.publisherІвано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газуuk_UA
dc.subjectмагістральні газопроводиuk_UA
dc.subjectоброблення сигналівuk_UA
dc.subjectсистеми моніторингуuk_UA
dc.subjectскупчення рідиниuk_UA
dc.subjectмагистральные газопроводыuk_UA
dc.subjectобработка сигналовuk_UA
dc.subjectсистемы мониторингаuk_UA
dc.subjectскопление жидкостиuk_UA
dc.subjectmain gas pipelinesuk_UA
dc.subjectliquid accumulationuk_UA
dc.subjectmonitoring systemuk_UA
dc.subjectsignal processinguk_UA
dc.titleРозроблення методу діагностування скупчень у порожнинах лінійної частини магістральних газопроводівuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of the method for non-technological accumulation diagnostics in the main gas pipelines linear parts cavitiesuk_UA
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