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dc.contributor.authorСудук, І. І.-
dc.contributor.authorЛитвин, Н. Б.-
dc.contributor.authorТитова, М. В.-
dc.identifier.citationШляхи формування лінгвокраїнознавчої компетенції на заняттях з української мови як іноземної / І. І. Судук, Н. Б. Литвин, М. В. Титова // Вісник Одеського національного університету. Серія: Філологія. - 2016. - Т. 21, Вип.2(14). - С. 153-161.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті окреслено шляхи формування лінгвокраїнознавчої компетенції студентів-іноземців І-ІV курсів, розроблено методику введення лінгвокраїнознавчої інформації до навчального матеріалу, подано способи пояснення безеквівалентної лексики, фразеології, розглянуто методи роботи з текстами, які містять лінгвокраїнознавчу інформацію.uk_UA
dc.description.abstract«Ukrainian language as foreign» is a comparatively new discipline; therefore, the methods for its teaching are at the initial stage of formation. Despite considerable accumulated experience in teaching Russian language as foreign, a lot of aspects of learning of the Ukrainian language, especially the linguistic and cultural studies aspect, remain undeveloped. It is very important to take this into account when composing a system of tasks and exercises (especially when selecting texts) since the absence of at least some background knowledge about the country, where the foreign students study, creates communication barriers when conversing with others and does not allow full understanding of the classmates, teachers, etc. And on the contrary, knowing this linguistic and cultural studies information contributes to the dialogue between the cultures and brings different nations together. At the present stage of linguistics development, it is especially important to study the methods of formation of linguistic and cultural studies competence at the classes of Ukrainian language as foreign due to the fact that a large number of foreign students study at the universities of our country. Usage of relevant materials that directly introduce students to the traditions, customs, and art of the country, whose language they study, provides a harmonious combination of the information field and practice of word usage. The article describes the methods of formation of linguistic and cultural studies competence of the foreign students in their 1st-4th years of studying, discovers the ways the meanings of the words with no direct equivalents in other languages are explained and learnt, as well as depicts the techniques for introducing foreign language communicators into Ukrainian cultural space. The selection of the appropriate means of studying depending on the topics that the students study at the classes can also contribute to the formation of the linguistic and cultural studies competence. They include the following authentic materials: original literary, fine arts, and musical compositions, items of reality and their illustrative images. When teaching Ukrainian language as foreign, we use the linguistic and cultural studies materials in the following fields: 1. Sphere of everyday communication (advertisements about apartment rentals, extracts from newspapers and magazines about current events, programs of various musical, fine arts, and sports events). 2. Social and cultural sphere of communication (invitations to exhibitions, concerts, and museums, programs of excursions, tours, and entertainments, tickets to entertainment events, reproductions of works of art, advertising projects, guides with illustrations of attractions, programs and playbills of performances, concerts, festivals, and mass shows). 3. Household sphere of communication (household items, advertising projects of hotels, hairdressers, dry cleaners, etc.). 4. Trade and commerce sphere of communication (advertising projects of different products, bills for purchases, advertising brochures of different shops, magazines of promotional products, advertising invitations to restaurants, cafes, and bars (indicating different dishes and services), menu for ordering meals (indicating their costs), recipes of national dishes). 5. Sports and recreation sphere of communication (advertisements of recreational centers, sports complexes, and playbills of mass sports events). 6. Family and everyday life sphere of communication (letters, postcards, invitations, business cards, blank forms of greeting messages (birthday, wedding, anniversary, and baptism). Use of these means of studying promotes formation of general idea about the country, whose language students learn. When studying Ukrainian language as foreign, an important role is also played by the linguistic and cultural studies texts, wherefrom students can find out more about the meaning of certain realities, as well as get additional knowledge in geography, history, culture, etc. At the same time, in order to read and understand the texts that contain linguistic and cultural studies information or words with no direct equivalents in other languages, students must have a sufficiently high level of foreign language proficiency. Therefore, they must be pre-simplified and processed in such a way that the student could understand their contents as fully as possible. These are the main methods of formation of linguistic and cultural studies competence of foreign students.uk_UA
dc.publisherОдеський національний університетuk_UA
dc.subjectлінгвокраїнознавча компетенціяuk_UA
dc.subjectбезеквівалентна лексикаuk_UA
dc.subjectтексти лінгвокраїнознавчої тематикиuk_UA
dc.subjectlinguistic and cultural stuldiesuk_UA
dc.subjectlinguistic and cultural studies competenceuk_UA
dc.subjectinguistic and cultural studies aspect of language learninguk_UA
dc.subjectlinguistic and cultural studies textsuk_UA
dc.subjectwords with no direct equivalents in other languagesuk_UA
dc.titleШляхи формування лінгвокраїнознавчої компетенції на заняттях з української мови як іноземноїuk_UA
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