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Результати 1-10 зі 99.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2015Recommendations on determination of interfacial tension at the interface between two fluids by the spinning drop methodKisil, I. S.; Barna, O. B.; Kuchirka, Yu. M.
2015The research of gas tides intensification on the example of the sarmatian deposits in the northwestern part of Bilche-Volytska zoneNesterenko, M. Yu.; Balatskyi, R. S.; Zderka, T. V.; Piatkovska, I. O.
2015To the issue of strength assessment of the pipeline-composite bandage systemShlapak, L. S.; Maksymuk, O. V.; Shyrokol, V. V.
2015To the issue of melting zone height control in the technology of electron-emitting crucible-less zone melting of siliconPorev, V. A.; Porev, G. V.
2015Optimization of eguipment availability of a gas-pumping unitKopey, B.; Khalimi, D.
2014Control of surface aktive agents content in agueous environment by measuring surface tensionKisil, I. S.; Bodnar, R. T.; Patlovskyy, I. R.; Malko, O. H.; Kuchirka, Yu. M.
2014The main aspects of microbiological protection of underground oil-and-gas pipelinesPolutrenko, M. S.; Kryzhanivskyy, Ye. I.; Pilyashenko-Novohatnyi, A. I.; Peretyatko, T. B.
2014Modeling of fluid flow in pipeline with the leaks due to the surfaceOliynyk, A. P.; Shtayer, L. O.
2014Research of stress-deformation state of worn sucker rod thread connectionKopey, B. V.; Mykhailiuk, V. V.; Liakh, M. M.
2014Modeling of ultrasonic guided waves propagation in a waveguide with cros-section of finite sizeMandra, A. A.; Lyutak, I. Z.; Lyutak, Z. P.