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Oil & gas industry of Ukraine - 2013. - , № 3 : [11] Головна сторінка зібрання Перегляд статистики


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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 11 з 11
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2013Determining limiting conditions for the operation of hydrocarbon recovery system jet apparatusPanevnyk, O. V.
2013Cogeneration scheme of using SER of gas-processing plantKompan, A. I.; Redko, A. O.; Shelest, S. B.
2013Calculation of modes of work of Bilche-Volytska-Uherska underground gas storage (program complex)Prytula, N. M.; Prytula, M. H.; Shymko, R. Ya.; Hladun, S. V.
2013Scattering of acoustic waves bubbles of gas in reservoirsNagorny, V. P.; Denisuk, І. І.; Lihvan, V. M.; Shveykina, Т. А.
2013On implementation of polymeric watering at oil deposits of UkraineDoroshenko, V. M.; Prokopiv, V. Y.; Rudyi, M. I.; Scherbii, R. B.
2013Wear resistance of some elements of the drill string during drillingOgorodnikov, P. I.; Svitlitskyy, V. M.; Gogol, V. I.
2013Prospects of reveal of considerable deposits of gas on big depths in Dnipro and Donetsk cavityMachuzhak, M. I.; Lyzanets, A. V.
2013Prospects of oil and gas bearing of the Vietnamese mainland slope and adherent shelf of the South-Chinese SeaKukhtina-Holodko, L. M.; Holodko, B. I.
2013Application of method of heat vision generalization for the estimation of terms of accumulation of hydrocarbons in the Western desert of EgyptTumanov, V. R.; Cheban, V. D.
2013Priority areas of development of resources of hydrocarbons of Hlynskyi and Solokhivskyi oil and gas region of Dnipro and Donetsk basinKharchenko, M. V.; Popova, T. L.; Ponomarenko, L. S.
2013International natural gas markets: problems and ways of their overcomingMarchenko, А. І.; Stukalenko, І. О.
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 11 з 11